

  Safe in the nest again! Alison Ingram, well-known wildlife artist, sent us this photo of her first Swift back this year!

Photo © Alison Ingram

Find out here all about these amazing birds, why they matter, and how you can help them

Though Swifts only spend 3 or 4 months each Summer with us, while they are here they bring spectacular aerial action and excitement to our urban lives!

Swifts breed from Ireland to Beijing, from the Mediterranean and the Middle East right up to the Arctic, and everywhere they are in decline

But you can help them, and you can do it on your own, or with the help of friends and neighbours, or through your work, and it will give you great satisfaction and save a species from extinction too

Read on, and have a go!


UK Power Networks Albury Swift Nest Box Team - see our NEWS page

Photo © UK Power Networks

2003 to 2024
21 Years of Helping Swifts

  It's Summer! Our Swifts are here!


A stunning shot of a truly urban bird - our fastest bird in level flight

Photo © Piotr Szczypa

We visit a Danish Swift colony
See Our Special Interview!
  Click Here

We will be at Bird Fair
Visit the Swifts Stand!

Contents Page CONTENTS

  Projects Page PROJECTS

Swift Conservation News NEWS

  Local help with private nest box projects LOCAL HELP

See Our Videos! VIDEOS

  See Our Leaflets! OUR LEAFLETS

D I Y Nestboxes DIY NESTS

  Buy Our Swift Call CD! SWIFT CALLS

Swift First Aid & Care FIRST AID


 Nest Boxes & Bricks SHOPPING

     Nestboxes & more!

Architects, Developers & Builders

Swift Bricks Leaflet  Download our leaflet all about Swift Bricks

Swift Bricks Leaflet The Universal Swift Brick  ideal for Swifts & small birds

Builders - are you working at a Swift nest site?
Follow this guidance

 1.  Leave existing nest places undisturbed
 2.  If re-roofing, make new nest access holes to match the
      old ones exactly 
 3.  New build - internal nest spaces are the best
 4.  If you cannot do "3 " above, fit external nest boxes

Teachers - Start a Swift Project!
D-I-Y Swift nest box  Click on the Swift to download our latest leaflet just for Schools!

The Elizabeth Line workers made and installed their own
Wild Bee and Swift nestboxes at their Tottenham Court Road site

photo © Crossrail plc

Installing Swift Nest Boxes?

See our Shopping Page or
D-I-Y Swift nest box  Click on the Swift for a DIY Swift nestbox design

Need advice?
for casualties go to Swift First Aid & Care

anything else contact Swift Conservation

We provide support throughout the UK & Europe

Wildbird Law - for the detail click here

Donations - Thank You!

We are "not for profit" - Our modest aim is to cover our costs while helping Swifts to the best of our ability

Click HERE or here leftswift to donate! 

If you would like to support our work, please donate via
the link above to our secure payment site

Our 2024 talks - Book your placeS!

25 July - Dorset Bird Club
30 Aug & 1 Sept - Falsterbö Bird Show - Sweden
3 October - Oxford RSPB Group
7 October - Normandy, Surrey, FONW
10 October - Gravesend Swift Group

Click on underlined text to make contact with the organisers
For enquiries about arranging a talk click on the Swift!
  Click here to book a talk or presentation

Pre-view our talks

See one of our Swifts Talks on You Tube - Click
See our interview with David Lindo, The Urban Birder  - Click here

Supporting & Enhancing Urban Biodiversity
We provide training for professionals in practical Urban Biodiversity techniques
contact us
for more details I am interested in Biodiversity training

Swift Surveys -
Click on the logos to participate
How to Survey Swifts - download our leaflet here Swift Survey Techniques

BirdTrackLogoAdd your Swift sightings to
and see migration in action!

Use the new RSPB Swift Mapper App!
swift_mapper_icon  Download here

Support the BTO's
BTO BBS Survey

By participating in the BTO Breeding Bird Survey
you contribute to our knowledge of Swifts in the UK

We have been providing free advice on how to help Swifts since 2003
Swift Conservation is grateful to    for its support

We do not use "Cookies" - we do not infringe your privacy -  and you can download our GDPR statement here name site texts © Copyright Edward Mayer 2008 - 2024 Photographs & illustrations © Copyright as indicated